Frequently Asked Questions

What are your prices?

Check out our prices on our ‘book now’ page or simply click on the button below.

What is the involved in the triple treatment?

Our signature triple treatment includes 3 x 20 minute sessions in one sitting. Our clients get to spit and rinse after each 20 minute session. Following your initial treatment we highly recommend a 2-6 week topup to whiten your teeth to their full potential and lock in that colour. A 2-6 week topup also works with the body’s white blood cells and natural functions. Following this 2-6 week topup, depending on genetics, age, dental hygiene, lifestyle, eating and drinking habits, results will last 3-12 months, sometimes longer.

What is involved in a topup?

A topup is another triple treatment. It is recommended that following an initial treatment, clients book in their topup 2-6 weeks later. If you are a smoker or have heavily stained teeth it it recommended to book in your topup 1-2 weeks following your initial treatment with us.

How long does the treatment take?

A treatment with us takes approximately 1.5-2 hours. This includes a consultation, setup, the treatment itself, aftercare instructions and pack-up. Group bookings can take a little longer.

Where can I receive my treatment?

We come to you! We visit homes, workplaces, hotels and salons all over the Illawarra. We service most areas within the Illawarra and Shoalhaven area. If you would prefer to come to us we also have a space located in Flinders.

How much whiter?

This depends entirely on a person’s physiology. Generally our clients can expect their teeth to be 5-14 shades lighter from one treatment.

How do I pay?

Payment will be taken at time of appointment, we have a mobile eftpos reader with us at all appointments.

Is it safe?

Yes. We offer the latest whitening gel approved for use in Australia. Our gels are gentle and safe, problems are extremely rare. Teeth whitening will not whiten your tooth enamel, the process will bleach the stains on the surface of your teeth. Teeth whitening is safe for crowns and veneers too, although these will not lighten as much as natural teeth.

Is teeth whitening suitable for everyone?

Unfortunately no. Teeth whitening is not suitable for anyone that is pregnant/breastfeeding, under 16 years of age or on anyone with dental or gum issues. If you’re unsure as to whether our treatments are suitable for you, feel free to contact us.

Can teeth whitening make your teeth sensitive?

Following a teeth whitening treatment, some clients can experience some sensitivity for around 3-5 days following their treatment. During your initial consultation your technician will ask if you have any tooth sensitivities to hot or cold and if the answer is yes your technician will adjust your treatment accordingly and give you the appropriate aftercare advice. We suggest for clients that have sensitivity or are worried about sensitivity to take nurofen or advil half an hour before their treatment and use sensodyne toothpaste for a few days leading up to their treatment.

How can I retain my results?

To keep your teeth whiter and healthier for longer after our treatment, we recommend the following: regular 3-12 monthly topups, clean your teeth twice daily, floss often and drink plenty of water. We recommend you avoid coffee, black tea, red wines and smoking.

Have more questions?

Feel free to contact us. Check out our contact page.


Some more before and afters for you

See video below